Why heat Yoga?

 Core tip: it is reported that hot yoga is composed of 26 stretching movements and 2 breathing methods. It also belongs to flexibility movement. It can improve the flexibility of the spine, especially suitable for office people. It can directly stimulate the nervous and muscle system by some static actions of twisting, bending, and stretching and the rest time between actions, and can reduce weight.

It is reported that hot yoga is composed of 26 stretching movements and 2 breathing methods. It is also a flexible exercise. It can improve the flexibility of the spine, especially suitable for office people. It can directly stimulate the nervous and muscle system by some static actions of twisting, bending, and stretching and the rest time between actions, and can reduce weight.

At the invitation of the hot yoga instructor, the reporter participated in a hot yoga course to explore hot yoga.

1. Experience hot yoga

Before class, the reporter according to coach Mo's advice: don't eat three hours before training, and drink a large glass of water 20 minutes before class.

When I enter the hot yoga classroom, I am faced with waves of heat. Although the spacious and bright practice room is full of people who come to practice, it is very quiet. Everyone has a bottle of water and two towels. Coach Mo said, "because the room temperature is hot, the towel is used to wipe sweat, and the water is used to supplement water during training."

Class on time. After the coach introduced the arrangement of the course and the requirement of drinking water, he began to practice the posture. Just started to do one or two movements, the reporter began to sweat. In training, every posture coach is required to do it again. Although coach Mo let the students relax reasonably after finishing every posture, the reporter still felt that the sweat of soybean was flowing down his cheek.

In this warmth, it seems that everyone's flexibility has reached the best state, stretching and squeezing to the maximum, allowing sweat to "gush" freely, and soon, the clothes are soaked. At this time, it seems that you can feel the pressure in the body and expel the toxin from the body.

As it is the first time to participate in hot yoga training, coach Mo told reporters, "beginners will find it difficult to adapt to the pressure of yoga practice on the heart and respiratory system at this temperature for a while, and they will have dizzy reactions. This phenomenon is very normal. Then you can lie down and have a rest

2. Hot yoga to lose weight

Coach Mo told reporters that yoga can really reduce weight. Yoga does this in two ways.

First, some positions can stimulate the relaxed glands to release more hormones. The thyroid gland is directly related to the metabolism of the body and can affect body weight. Hot Yoga includes several postures, such as shoulder standing and fish leaping over the dragon's gate, which is especially suitable for adjusting the thyroid gland. Fat metabolism is also increased by yoga, so fat is converted into muscle and energy. This means that you can get better muscle texture and higher energy levels while reducing fat.

Second, yoga's deep breathing exercise can increase the oxygen absorption of cells in the body, including fat cells, which can increase the oxidation and burn more fat cells.

"If you're not overweight, your weight will stay the same," Mo said. If you are underweight, you will gain weight. It's a healthy, solid body tissue that's added, not fat. In other words, yoga can create the ideal weight. This is because yoga has the function of normalizing gland activity

3. Why Yoga should be heated

Hot yoga was founded by Indian Bikram on the basis of hada yoga, a branch of yoga.

In the Hot Yoga series, Bikram keeps 26 postures of the original hada yoga and arranges them scientifically. According to the characteristics of human muscles, ligaments, and tendons, the 26 movements are arranged in a controlled order. Biclam believes that if the practitioner jumps to the 15th movement without proper muscle preparation, the result will be as unpleasant as doing a back somersault in a hurry. Therefore, practice according to the coach's guidance order to do, otherwise, you will make mistakes.

Hot yoga requires practitioners to be at room temperature of 38 to 40 degrees Celsius because Bikram believes that it is easy to get hurt when practicing yoga when the body is not hot. This is like heating a piece of steel, you can easily change it into the shape you imagine with a hammer, and there is no way to change the shape of unheated steel with a hammer.

Hot Yoga advocates believe that this set of movements can restore the body to a state of balance in 90 minutes, making the whole body get exercise. It can systematically deliver 100% fresh blood full of oxygen to all parts of the body, and make them return to a healthy and natural working state.

In addition to the role of weight loss, hot yoga has a therapeutic effect on insomnia, migraine, low back pain, cervical and gastrointestinal diseases. At the same time, yoga practitioners can reduce facial wrinkles, make people feel young and long-lived, increase disease resistance, improve eyesight and hearing, weight loss, mental and emotional health, and more sensitive intuition.

4. Heart patients should be cautious when practicing Hot Yoga

The main principle of Yoga nutrition is less weight, eat high-quality food. Yoga practitioners suggest eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, complete shells, and raw nuts. Because they are rich in life force, meat must be eaten less or not at all. They should also eat fresh and raw food as much as possible, not too hot or too cold. Alcohol is seen as harmful to health and hinders the progress of yoga.

Coach's advice:

1. In training, the whole process of breathing with the nose: nose hair can filter dirty air and harmful bacteria, but also stabilize nerves, let the body more healthy.

2. Don't eat for an hour before and after Yoga: keep an empty stomach.

3. It is more important to grasp the slow process of postural and the feeling of whole body movement than to complete posture.

4. Keep the number of breaths in the completed position within the limit of your physical ability. Beginners can keep breathing 3-5 times, then slowly increase the number of times.

5. Yoga as long as persistent, do their best to play, you can achieve the effect. At the same time, to remind heart patients, high temperature may bring discomfort.

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